Improving spinal health and nervous system function to enhance overall well-being.
Discovered in 1895, chiropractic has become one of the most widely used natural health care practices worldwide.
It is based on the understanding that the nervous system controls all bodily functions. Signals flow between the brain and body to ensure essential processes like digestion, healing, and breathing occur automatically.
Chiropractors identify and address subluxations—misalignments in the spine that disrupt nerve communication. These can irritate, stretch, or compress nerves, often without causing pain, potentially impacting muscle balance, organ function, and hormone production.
5 signs you should really see a Chiropractor
These are some of the most common times people see a chiropractor. But the reasons to get regular care go far beyond this list!
Research Sources
Interested in learning more?
Here you'll find a collection of helpful videos and information to support your health and well-being. These resources, provided by the New Zealand Chiropractors Association, are designed to educate and empower you on your journey to better spinal health.
Explore the content to learn more about how chiropractic care can enhance your overall quality of life.