Gentle Care,
Lasting Results.
At Great Minds Chiropractic, we aim to make every visit welcoming, comfortable, and focused on your needs. Whether it’s your first time or a follow-up, you can expect a friendly atmosphere, clear communication, and expert care to support your well-being.
From Diagnosis to Relief to Wellness.
During a routine appointment your chiropractor will assess your spine, and based on those findings make adjustments to assist in restoring normal function.
Similar to regular exercise, each appointment builds on the last to restore and strengthen your spine. Regular appointments can help support your overall health and wellbeing, and help avoid relapses.
We use specific chiropractic techniques, tailored to the individual patient, in order to deliver the best health outcomes, patient satisfaction and service possible.
During your first visit, your Chiropractor will take a full health and lifestyle history to understand your current spine and nerve system function. They will perform an assessment to check the function of your spine and nervous system. This may include postural analysis, range of motion testing, neurological examination, orthopaedic testing and x-rays (if required).
X-rays of the spine help to assess the spinal curves, joint degeneration and evaluate the disc spacing between each vertebrae.
The first visit to our office typically takes half an hour. Your chiropractor will develop a personalised care plan that will start on your following visit to help you reach your health goals as quickly as possible.
We have on-site digital x-ray facilities in New Plymouth, Hawera, Whanganui and Feilding and offer our services at affordable prices. If it is clinically indicated x-rays may be taken the time of your initial appointment. Use of x-rays allows Chiropractors to be more safe and more specific with regards to pathology and analysis.
During your second visit your Chiropractor will give you a full written and verbal report of their findings. They will also explain your x-ray results. A specific schedule of care will then be recommended. This is designed to help you achieve your best results.
Chiropractic care is usually offered in three phases, each building on the previous phase:
Initial Care - This is where most patients begin their chiropractic care. Visits can be frequent, depending upon the severity of your condition. The primary focus is to reduce or eliminate your most obvious symptoms.
Rehabilitative Care - With your pain diminished, the objective is to stabilise spinal function and promote a more complete healing. Muscles and soft tissues of the spine are strengthened during this stage of care, helping to avoid a relapse.
Wellness Care - With the maximum restoration of spinal function, many patients enjoy regular chiropractic check-ups. This type of preventive or wellness care can keep minor problems from becoming more serious.
Following your report you have the opportunity to receive your first chiropractic adjustment.
Your Chiropractor will check and adjust your spine where indicated during these appointments. The technique used will depend on you and your needs. These adjustments allow your body to heal, perform and function at its best.
Following a series of chiropractic adjustments the chiropractor may repeat some of the tests that were performed on your first visit. This allows the chiropractor to assess your spinal function progress. New recommendations may be made to your care plan.Item description